Five-Treatment Lawn Program
Our Five-Treatment Lawn Program is customized to your lawn and uses the finest materials available to help you achieve a thicker, healthier lawn.
Early Spring: Lawn Inspection, Fertilizer Including Slow-Release Nitrogen, Pre-Emergent Crabgrass Control, Spot Broadleaf Weed Control
Late Spring: Lawn Inspection, Fertilizer Including Slow-Release Nitrogen, Spot Broadleaf Weed Control, Optional Preventative Grub Control
Summer: Lawn Inspection for Turf-Damaging Insects and Diseases, Spot Broadleaf Weed Control, Summer Annual Crabgrass, and Nutsedge Weed Control
Late Summer/Early Fall: Lawn Inspection, Fertilizer Including Slow-Release Nitrogen, Spot Broadleaf Weed Control, Optional Aeration, and Over-seeding
Late Fall: Lawn Inspection, Spot Broadleaf Weed Control, Optional Japanese Stiltgrass Control, and Winter Fertilization
The ProLawnPlus system has been proven to help our customers grow thicker grass through consistent Fertilization. This is really one of the keys as, surprisingly, most homeowners do not fertilize their lawns often enough. We combine this with Weed and Insect control during the tough summer growing season when rains are not as plentiful. Finally, we add in an approach to aerating and over-seeding in the Fall, which allows new grass to grow when the ground is still warm from the summer. It’s a perfect year-round program for your lawn.
Lawn Seeding and Aeration
Core lawn aeration can help give you a healthy lawn as well as reduce its maintenance requirements. A few benefits of aerating your lawn include:
- Reduced soil compaction.
- Improved air exchange between the soil and atmosphere.
- Stronger turfgrass roots.
- Enhanced water uptake in soil.
- Improved fertilizer uptake and use.
- Reduced water runoff and puddling.
- Enhanced heat and drought stress tolerance.
- Improved resiliency and cushioning.
- Enhanced thatch breakdown.
Watch This Video to Learn More
In addition, seeding can help create a thicker, richer lawn after aeration. A few lawn conditions that require grass seeding work include:
- Thin Lawns: Can you see the soil or thatch layer when you look down at your grass? Lawn thinness permits weeds to easily grow in the lawn and causes the grass to dry out much faster. Thin lawns need lawn seeding to grow and be healthy.
- Heavy Thatch: The thatch layer can become so heavy that the primary root system is growing more in the thatch than in the soil below. Shallow, thatch-rooted lawns are much more susceptible to drought damage.
- Poor Turf Variety: Do you want to develop a more disease-, insect-, or drought-tolerant lawn? The lawn seeding experts at ProLawnPlus can help you pick grass varieties that aren’t bothered as much by diseases, bugs, and hot weather.
- Lawn drainage issues and worn or rutted areas.
Outdoor Pest Control
Perimeter Pest Control:
Our Perimeter Pest Protection involves a series of four treatments that create a shield around your home to repel ants, crickets, fleas, mites, and spiders. We apply an insect-control spray band to the surrounding foundation, cracks, and crevices as well as other “bug doorways” to help keep insects out. These treatments can also help protect your landscape from plant-eating insects.
The ProLawnPlus program consists of four Perimeter Pest Protection treatments:
- Spring Treatment (April) – helps to prevents ants, pillbugs, and early pests from entering your home.
- Early Summer Treatment (June) – targets fleas, ground beetles, and earwigs, as well as ants and other summer pests.
- Late Summer Treatment (August) – targets spiders, crickets, and a number of insects that mature in mid-summer.
- Fall Treatment (Oct./Nov.) – controls many insects and will reduce the number of pests from entering before winter.
Flea & Tick Control:
You would never wish them on your cat or dog. Yet environmental conditions, proximity to the woods and open fields, wildlife, and pets (yours or your neighbor’s) near your home can lead to a tick or flea infestation. Removal of these pesky and potentially damaging parasites after an infestation can often be quite difficult.
The good news is that ProLawnPlus’s professional lawn treatment programs will help you prevent insect infestations. This lawn treatment program will also aide with immediate flea and tick removal for your lawn and garden.
Tick and flea control is vital when it comes to the health of your family, plants, and pets.
Our tick control programs are also essential when ticks become a problem in the home landscape. Tick removal is imperative since these parasites can carry Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, both of which are very serious illnesses. Humans should be sure to take preventative measures to avoid all contact with ticks. ProLawnPlus’s tick control programs can help.
Flea control is also essential to your lawn and garden’s health. A flea removal program is imperative to the home environment since fleas can easily be transported inside by pets or humans. Fleas usually multiply rapidly and can quickly infest carpets and upholstered furniture. Regardless of whether the fleas are indoors or outdoors, multiple flea treatments are usually required in order to achieve complete flea control once an infestation has begun.