Seedheads in Lawns
If you look closely at your lawn this time of year, you may think it is full of weeds. But in reality, it could be a natural phenomenon that occurs in many turfgrasses in the spring called inflorescence - or flowering and [...]
If you look closely at your lawn this time of year, you may think it is full of weeds. But in reality, it could be a natural phenomenon that occurs in many turfgrasses in the spring called inflorescence - or flowering and [...]
Limestone Benefits Limestone benefits your lawn in many ways. When your soil pH is too low or acidic, it needs limestone to bring it back into balance. Soil that is too acidic causes fertilizers and important nutrients to become 'locked up' and [...]
It’s that time of year again, time to start thinking about fertilizing your lawn and dealing with the chores that go with it. Maybe this is the year you let a professional handle the headache but who do you choose? The Maryland [...]